Montessori 3 Year Program

Practical Life
“Help me do it myself.” Upon entering our casa classrooms, children are exposed to a variety of Practical Life activities. They learn to carry out a task from beginning to end. Children have the opportunity to choose tasks that they see as part of the daily routine at home. Practical Life activities develop concentration, fine motor skills, order, confidence, and independence. Each of these skills is taught through specific exercises and provides the child with the freedom they need to work at their pace and interest.

“No one but a child can learn to perfect as many languages as he hears spoken.” A child’s phenomenal ability to master languages will be nourished and maximized by introducing French, Spanish, and Greek. Phonetics will be used to foster an understanding of how words are formed. Upon completion of our 3-year program, children will graduate with confidence in communicating, reading, and writing.

“The way to the brain is through the hands.” Sensorial materials help children classify and distinguish differences in size, texture, weight, sound, shape, taste, and colour. Each of the five senses is engaged by a specific sensorial material and an abundance of hands-on opportunities. Sensorial materials satisfy children’s instinctive desire to touch, taste, and smell the world around them while refining their senses and developing skills in thinking, judging, concentrating, sequencing, and comparing.

The Montessori Method presents math in a way that is interesting, reassuring, and gratifying. The child’s ordinary environment is used to make the learning of math practical and relevant in his/her life and experiences. In this manner, children develop a positive attitude towards learning math and developing numeric skills. All four operations are taught by the child’s third year. He learns to separate, share, combine, count, and compare. The foundation is being laid to prepare for abstract thinking.

Cultural Studies
Children have a natural curiosity about the world in which they live. In a very short time, they realize that there is a world beyond their own. Children will explore Art, Science, Music, Food, Botany, Zoology, and Geography. Exploration into other cultures will be cultivated. We offer specialized art and music classes for all children.